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Students from 2012 Sino-French Class Took Interviews

Time:June 24, 2015

On March 26th, Prof. Said Zouhdi and Prof. Michel Kieffer from UniversitéParis Sud, Prof. Christophe Collet and Prof. Takarura Yoshitate from Universitéde Strasbourg attended the info session, and introduced something about these two universities, including majors, professors and their research, and course selection. Professors from Universitéde Strasbourg also played a video about the colorful life of previous students. Students had a lively discussion with professors in Q&A of the session. On March 27th, professors were divided into two groups to interview the students. They mainly inspected language skills and professional knowledge, and observe their logic thinking ability and comprehensive quality through face-to-face talk. The students all prepared beautiful resumes, and introduced their improvements in French and profession, their motivation to be in France, their choices about universities and majors, and answered the questions confidently. After the interview, professors appreciated highly of their performances. It is known that professors will decide whether to give them offers considering the interview results and the students’ GPA. The name list will be released later.

@Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Optical and Electronic Information