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Students’ Face-to-face communication meeting with their instructors

Time:June 12, 2018

On April 27, students of Optical Communication Department had a face-to-face communication meeting with their instructors inconference room604 at Building Southfive. The main teachers of the department attended this meeting, Professor Fu Songnian, Professor Lu Ping, Counselor Chen Shiying and student representatives. They talked about students' main concerns: scientific research, scholarship, graduate employment and other issues in a harmonious atmosphere.

Counselor Chen chaired the meeting focusing on the confusion of students and aimed to solve their problems. To begin with, some students asked about the public experimental equipments which need a special funding for maintenance as well as the upgrading of the computers. Then they raised their doubts concerning the blind review process of thesis. The instructors also cared about the graduation and employment pressures. They recorded students’ questions and gave their suggestions.

At the end, Chen summarized and thanked the students for their active reaction. Students were encouraged to concentrate on their scientific research, moreover, this kind of meeting will be held occasionally in order to improve the academic and life conditions of graduate students.

@Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Optical and Electronic Information