Invited by our school integral circuit engineering department teachers Guoyi Yu and Chao Wang, Professor Guobiao Zhang from Shen-Gang School of microelectronics of SouthernUniversityofScienceandTechnology gave a lecture in the Photoelectric Information Lecture Hall on September, 2, 2019, the topic of this lecture was “ 3-D Integration: Past and Future ” in the meeting room of west first building. This speech attracted a lot of students and teachers to come, without enough seats, some students had to stand for listening.

Pro. Zhang started at the definition of semi-conductor, the processing of development of transistors, then the development situation of abroad and home of semi-conductor industry, and emphasized on the basic of delay of development of other countries that we should learn one’s lesson and look forward, concentrating on the future of 3-D Integration.

Pro. Zhang came up with that the next new technology for chips is the 3-D Integration, if we want to change the situation what we have now in this domain we should hold this chance positively and firmly.

Pro. Zhang made a very successful lecture with beautiful pictures and easy word for students to understand, students learned a lot. Some student derived a huge interests of 3-D store and 3-D calculations, at the end of the lecture they made a long time discussion.

After the discussion, Teacher Guoyi Yu and teacher Min Tan of school of optics and electronic information presented souvenirs for professor Zhang and professor YueJin Guo who came together, respectively. This report was end in a warm applause.

Pro. Zhang was in office inSouthernUniversityofScienceandTechnologyas a research professor. He received his PhD from the university of Berkeley in 1995 under the guidance of Chenming HU, a professor at the university of California, Berkeley and an honorary professor at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. He worked at Texas Instruments for 5 years,then found3D-ROMcompany. Pro. Zhang also is an Inventor of3-D store and 3-D calculations, having more than 100 copyrights, most of them are American copyrights, it is worth to mention that the copyrights of 3D Xpoint in Intel and Xtacking in YMTC are from his copyrights.