On May 17th 2018, invited by HUST SOEI, the former counselor of education & minister of Chinese Embassy in France,Ma Yansheng, gave a lecture to introduce the French higher education system in Building Southfive 613.

Ma firstly presented the school-running characteristics and subject advantages of French higher education, then he focused on the French engineering school which is characterized by its strict selection system, solid basic knowledge, practical methods and bright job prospects. Ma made a comparison between French universities and Chinese universities, affirming the fact that Chinese higher education is progressing continuously but still have a long way to go in order to rank top university worldwide. He emphasized the importance of education internationalization for a better development of HUST. In the last stage, Ma answered students' questions enthusiastically and encouraged them to cherish the time and pursue their dreams.

A brief introduction of MA Yansheng
Master Degree in International Relations, department of Politics, University of McGill, Canada, 1982-1986 Bachelor Degree in English language and literature, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China, 1998-2000 Former vice-president of Beijing Foreign Studies University Former counselor of education & minister of Chinese Embassy in France Laureate of “Academic Palm Knight” granted by the French government Global Affairs Senior Consultant, Chinese University of Hong Kong